theSpaceUK Production Blog

Ever wondered how we go about designing a new venue? Perhaps you're interested in how we bring nineteen theatres to life for a few weeks. Or maybe you have an idle curiousity into how our ticketing system works? This blog sets out to fill you in on these topics and more besides.

Some posts will be kind of diary posts, talking about what we're up to at a particular time. Others will be deep dives into one topic at the time. There'll probably be some history in there too. We hope there'll be something to interest you, whether you're interested in our venues or you just like everything to do with the Fringe.

Networking Our Venues
By Giles Moss on June 17th
Whether it's selling tickets, handling a credit card sale or our staff following a company live tweeting their flyering experience on the Royal Mile, underneath our venues lies a significant IT network to make it all possible. Here's a bit about it.
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Phones Deep Dive
By Giles Moss on June 3rd
You might think that we wouldn't have much to say on phones. But you'd be wrong! This week we take a jump off the deepest diving board we could find and peer into the bizarre world of running a small enterprise phone system.
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A detour into the world of software development
By Ian Gregory on May 21st
Running a Fringe operation at scale requires a lot of technology, but not just lights and sound. We look into some of the systems that power our festival
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Technical Rehearsal Planning
By Giles Moss on May 13th
The first time our companies set foot in our theatres is when they arrive for their technical rehearsal. It's a crucial time for us and the company so we try hard to schedule a time that works. In today's blog post we look at what goes into this herculean task.
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Getting the Show on the Road
By Giles Moss on April 29th
All about our pre-production team and how we help guide companies from the rehearsal room to the Fringe stage.
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The Start of Pre-Production
By Giles Moss on April 15th
In April, our production year progresses from the bookings to the pre-production phases. This is when our companies first start hearing from the technical and press teams. It also means the Fringe is getting ever closer!
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Designing a New Venue - Part 2
By Giles Moss on April 8th
When designing new theatres, one size certainly doesn't fit all. Why do we put the stage where we do? How do we know it'll all fit when it comes off the lorry? Read on..
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Designing a New Venue - Part 1
By Giles Moss on April 1st
When a good opportunity comes up for some new theatre spaces on our doorstep, we get a bit excited!
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By Giles Moss on March 25th
We need a lot of production kit. A LOT. Lights, cables, control desks, speakers, power distro.. Where does it come from, how we manage it and how do we keep on top of improvements?
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A Theatrical History
By Giles Moss on March 18th
Where and when did we start? How have we ended up with the theatres we're running?
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