Blue Orange Arts Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles



'Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!' Lord Baskerville is found dead with mysterious footprints besides his body. His heir, Sir Henry, is set to inherit the vast Baskerville fortune; but with the legacy comes a deadly curse. A web of deception and malevolent force that threatens to claim yet another victim are gradually exposed. Can Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson unfurl this chilling mystery before the hound strikes again? A beautifully crafted one-man retelling of Arthur Conan Doyle’s most famous tale is brought to the stage.


  • Aug 2-10, 12-17 17:15 (50m) £11.00 (£9.00)
  • Aug 19, 21-24 13:05 (50m) £11.00 (£9.00)