Xhloe and Natasha A Letter to Lyndon B Johnson or God: Whoever Reads This First



Boyhood is all about spit-shakes, rope swings and playing soldiers. But what happens when the pretend becomes all too real and the childhood tales become harder to retell? Whether it’s stories around the campfire, letters home to mom, or a prayer to your favourite president, these two Boy Scouts really just want a turn to play the good guy... Scout's Honour. From consecutive 2022 and 2023 Fringe First Award winners Xhloe and Natasha comes an absurdist two-hander about the idealised American childhood and the boys it left behind.


  • Aug 2-4 20:30 (50m) £8.00 (£6.00)
  • Aug 5-10 20:25 (50m) £11.00 (£9.00)
  • Aug 12-18 20:50 (50m) £11.00 (£9.00)
  • Aug 19-24 20:30 (50m) £11.00 (£9.00)