Venue Technician
Dates: Wednesday 24th July to Monday 26th August 2024
Our theatres are built, maintained and operated by our team of Venue Technicians.
We start by building our theatres: They need seemingly endless lights, sound rigs, trusses, drapes, about a zillion miles of cabling and all sorts of other accessories from ladders to gaffer tape. Lighting, sound, staging, networking, box office systems and a lot more all go in over the course of a few days.
You’ll be part of a team poring over truss diagrams and lighting plans, unloading cases of equipment and working with our Build Managers to ensure our spaces are fully functional and ready for the arrival of our theatre companies.
Once our companies arrive at their tech rehearsal, your team, led by your Venue Manager, will welcome them into the venue. You’ll help them fit their set and props into the theatres, and configure our technical rigs to accommodate their requirements.
With the rehearsals finished, the Fringe settles down into a daily routine of performances. Working as a close-knit team with your fellow technicians you’ll be responsible for keeping our theatres running smoothly, leading the changeovers between shows, helping to scan tickets and guide audiences, and fixing any problems that arise.
All good things must come to an end, and the Fringe is no exception. That’s marked by our get-out: the day after our final performances is spent dismantling everything, packing hire kit back into trucks and returning our venues to the empty rooms they started out as.
Sound interesting? Check out our Information Pack for more role information, testimonials from previous staff and pay details.