
Accidentally on Purpose
Cal State Fullerton

Want to know who murdered my theatre company? Me. Seduction? Check. Betrayal? Check. No checks? Check. The desire for the femme fatale and inclusive ambitions? All that. I killed it. And I'm going to tell you how.

Auto/Erotic Tango
Tango Fantasy

Pushing the genre of Argentine tango to its limits! Super-charged stage tango dancing, acting, video projection and sensory, sensual immersion. Exploring the tension created between a traditional heteronormative tango couple and their unusual, real and hidden desires...

A Brief Case of Crazy
Skedaddle Theatre Company

Unconventional introvert Thomas typically fiddles and fumbles through his conventional office job, until he's dragged on a journey of discovery by a mischievous briefcase. Physical comedy and ludicrous characters portray it's what's inside that counts!

Korean Painter
Contemporary Yunhee

We paint various pictures on stage using the traditional Korean hat called sangmo. You'll have a mysterious experience with us, and it will make you want to come back again.

Not Exit

Inspired by Sartre's existentialism, this explores 'hell is other people' and human freedom. With absurd scenes and precise, exquisite movements, it reflects characters' extreme states, resonating in an interplay of Eastern and Western aesthetics. Easily understood, ensuring relaxation.

What Was Once Ignored: The Life and Legacy of Martha Graham
Alma College Theatre and Dance

Experience the story of the 20th century's iconic modern dance choreographer, Martha Graham, in words and movement.

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